Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 4~~~ FaVouRiTe CoLouR..

Ok, ok, I'm sooooooooooooo not in the mood to update my blog today, but......
What can I do, I have to bring myself to it... Now I realised that this 30 days photo challenge isn't easy, and I must not quit halfway!!
Errrrrr I haven't even reached half of it, it's only 1/3.....
Maybe 1/4, or 1/5..... Or maybe 1/6... 

Ok ok, lets get to the point and lets make it short, today's story, My favourite colour~~~~~~ Ahah!!

Lets see...
I'm always attracted to dark colours when it comes to clothing, and bright colours for shawls and cheerful colours for kids clothing....
Above all, I think red has always been my favourite.
Yes, that's it, RED is my colour!!! Whether it's for me or the kids, I've always picked red!

Errrrrr but I dare not pick Red for hubby!! Hehehe!

Till tomorrow, Salam...

1 comment:

sitiezahim said...

hahaha i tau suka merah..:P

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