Monday, March 21, 2011

CaKe HenTam Kromo...

Kenapa jadi cake hentam kromo nih, sebabnye ade frosting lebih from previous cup cake. Sempat wat cup cake seblom gi Italy hari tu, tapi frosting nye berlebih, x abis2, so ape lagi saya pun hentam kromo la dgn menambah gula, telur, susu, minyak and campur gaul ngan coklat yg dah lama juga bertapa kat dlm cabinet tuh, sesuke hati weeeeeeeee...!!

This how it looks like before it goes into the oven..

At first, risau jugak, jadi ke kek hentam kromo nih, x jadi kang sape pulak nak mengabiskan.. huhu

But, Alhamdulillah, jadi cantik, gebu pulak tuh.. lembut and spongy.. now rase cam rugi pulak x jot down kan sukatan2 nye.. If I were to bake the same cake again, wuld the result be the same??

Conclusion is, we can simply bake a nice and simple cake without any specific recipe, provided we've had lots of experience baking.. cehwah macam la dah bnyk experience ye??
Tak banyak pun, but now at least I can recognize the right texture of a batter before it goes into the oven. The most important thing is, experience... mmm priceless..


sitiezahim said...

wah lecker la...saya bab kek ni masih agak fail..meibi sbb kekerapan mencuba kurang kot berbanding muffin or lauk pauk..hihihi

ummi_ziz said...

wah mmg terer! mst akk salu baking kan! klu salu buat mst dpt cam kn mcm sy tak, setiap kali nk buat kne cr resepi..hampeh btul hihi...

Nxt time share the recipe k..look so yummy la! ;)

Ida said...

cam sedap.. dah layak jadik chef ni, bole hentam kromo resipi hihi.

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