It's been 4 years...
Today is Fatini's birthday... her 4th birthday...
Wow, it feels like just yesterday I'd given birth to her and now....
Look at her..

A big girl... :)
I wrote bout her birth before in one of my entry, I wrote it on her 3rd birthday...
you can read it HERE
I must say, Fatini differ soooo much from Afeef, not because she's a girl, but every kid is special in his or her own way..
And she is special in her very own way... :)

She loves to draw... (this is definitely my genes :) )

Her very own way of drawing 'orang ' hahaha

She Loves books soooooo much... she reads while we were at the cafe having lunch..

She reads in the morning after she got up from bed...

And she reads before she sleeps too :)

And enjoy reading 'iklan' too... hehehe..

Today tengok iklan kucing and begged me to let her adopt a cat... hehehe soooo sweet...
I'm not against it at all, but I guess the time isn't rite.. we live in an apartment, which is not so suitable for a pet..
I told her, wait until we get back in Malaysia..
And she's ok, but still is dreaming of having her own pet..
Comel kan?

So, this is her most advanced birthday present hahaha..
This one is not from us, but from Aunty Tie (my elder sister)...
She gave the money, and Fatini gets to chose which one she wants..
We bought it last Christmas :)
Thank you very much Aunty Tie.. :)
Bukan Fatini je dapat hadiah tau, Aleena and Afeef pun ade jugak :D
Aunty Tie ni lah favorite aunty to both Fatini and Afeef..
Until today, the only two persons in Malaysia, Fatini often reminiscing bout, are Tok (my mom) and Aunty Tie hehehe..

Nampak tu, sampai tak makan :)

And, this one is for Aleena..
So every time ade birthday je, semua akan dapat hadiah?? hahaha
That's how sweet Aunty Tie is...
And yesterday, my mom said, she also had bought a Birthday gift for Fatini, adoi, terharu betul :)

And.... sesi berebut..

In the end, Fatini jugak yg main kan...
mmmm Afeef has a share too, he bought a beyblade, I hadn't snap a photo of it.
And... most importantly, we (mama and papa) bought her something too...
What is it??
It's a surprise, I'll reveal it later, after we've celebrated..
So, we will make a little party for her with some close friends...
I'm sooo excited... hehehe
To my beloved Fatini Az-Zahra, you are one of the most beautiful things that have ever happened in my life...
Happy 4th Birthday my dearest Princess...
May Allah bless you always, and guide you through the right path always always... Amin..
You complete Mama, Papa, Abg Afeef & Aleena :)