I was watching this video yesterday, maybe most of you have watched it, hehehe as usual i'm a bit 'ketinggalan zaman', but it's ok, most importantly how it could change my life :)
Subahanallah, I was so emotionally effected by this video for two reasons;
~ I was just like Wardina when I was young, mmmm now pun still young actually hehe (tak mo ngaku dah tua)
I mean, I used to be soooooo stubborn, I mixed with the wrong people and friends, I've never listened to my mother, I believe I could lead my own life.. and I made her cry too huhu..
This was at the peak of my Zaman Jahilliyyah... huhu..
but Alhamdulillah, I've never went too far, though friends did persuade me to come with them to Discos, parties etc etc...
mmmm... maybe doa mak la tu that I couldn't bring myself to go clubbing.. :)
All these happened before I went to UIA, well UIA did contribute a lot in making me a better Muslimah :)
So don't be afraid to send your kids to Islamic school or University ok !!
~ Secondly, Ooohhh indah nya hidayah Allah.... and I've never realized until yesterday, that Allah has also granted me with Hidayah, which makes me the way I am today.... mmmm, tak la baik sangat, but striving to be one, to be a good Muslimah... InsyaAllah...
And what Wardina said bout Allah will send a great and wonderful friends around once we'd decided to be a good person, oh my, that is sooooo true...
I'm so blessed with wonderful friends around, yang mengajak pada kebaikan dan majlis ilmu, jujur dan ikhlas, yang taat menunaikan perintah Allah SWT, seperti solat dalam ape jua keadaan, dalam bas ke, train ke, shopping complex ke, tidak semudah2 meninggalkan solat dan meng qada kemudian, I'm so amazed with some of them.. Taught us on how to be a good Muslim too...
It's never too late to be a good Muslim, everyone at least once in their lives must have made mistakes, huge or small, either to Allah SWT or to human being, but it's never too late to fix it... even if some people might not really forgive you for your mistakes and still look down at your effort of trying to be a good person, just let them be...
Let them think whatever they want to think bout you or being prejudice towards you, hold your head up high, and tell yourself, Allah is always there for you and Allah will never judge you the way human beings often do...
Lastly, nak petik kata2 Siti Hajar, salah sorang kawan yg sangat sy hargai di bumi Deutschland;
"Sesungguhnya, apabila aku menasihati kamu, bukanlah bererti akulah yang terbaik dari kalangan kamu, Bukan juga yg paling soleh dari kalangan kamu, kerana aku juga pernah melampaui batas untuk diri sendiri. Seandainya seseorang itu hanya dapat menyampaikan dakwah apabila dia sempurna, nescaya tidak akan ada pendakwah. Maka akan jadi sikitlah orang yang memberi peringatan." Kata2 Hasan al-Basri.
Betulla kak, UIA changed me a lot too.. and i'm glad, thankful and proud that i am/was part of IIUM :)
nana, i'm touched !! ;)
Agreed! I always pray i can be a better person day to day. InsyaAllah. Don't stop, believing...!!( ala2 Glee's song) hihi
sori baru ni baca entri ni..mmm saya pon sama, harap2nya kawan2 yg ada skarang still di sisi saya..unt saya jadi yg lebih baik..atleast kita berusaha kan..:)
watched this video months a go. Memang wonderful!! Suka dengan kisah Wardina, her now and pendiriannya. Kisah Wardina didik Amna bersolat pun best. memang patut dijadikan contoh. :)
Muneerah: so true, I sometimes wonder how my life would be like if I didn't go to UIA? There, I realized the beauty of Islam, I met wonderful friends, and I met my husband ;)
Ida: Thanx hehe.. :)
Izu: thanx for the semangat hehe.. insyaAllah, teruskan usaha dan doa, moga Allah pelihara segala tingkah laku, kata2 kita and moga Allah terus temukan kita ngan orang yg baik2 :)
hajar: betul, usaha penting.. and mesti doa jugak, i believe sgt2 semua yg jadi ade hikmah nye, and don't feel bad about benda yg dah jadi but appreciate ape yg ade skrg... and harap2 terus ditemukan dgn kawan2 yg baik :)
Nuurill: aha memang bole jadi contoh, pandai dia ajar anak die solat and dia sendiri pun bagus.. suka ngan cara dia :) itu lah indah nya hidayah... :)
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