Last Saturday's activity, other than 'main game', was hanging out with Hubby's friend. This guy's name is Nureddin, I'm not sure if I spell this correctly hehe, but he is one of hubby's closest friend here, he's from Turkey but been living in Deutschland for a long time and he just got married a few months ago. That's his wife, Humaira, a very nice and friendly lady..
Nureddin is able to speak three languages perfectly and fluently, English (with American accent lagi tau!), Deutsch and of course Turkish. Can you believe it? I found that utterly amazing..
ok, anyway, Nurredin had helped us a lot on our 1st few days here. He was the one who lent us a temporary stove before our kitchen equipments were installed, and also provide us with mattresses and also took hubby to the Supermarket with his car and helped him identify 'halal' foods.
And all this he's the one yang belanja... and hubby said, he's always like that, always want to be the one who spends for others.. Very generous of him, may Allah bless him and grant him with more...
We had a great time, Thank you so much to both of them.. may both of them live happily ever after.. macam fairytale la plak haha..
Hidup di perantauan ni kawan leh jd mcm adik beradik, sedara mara kn. Mmg syukur klu ada kawan baik mcm kawan husben akk ni. May Allah bless them always..:)
Perbuatan baik di balas baik nana.. ko pun salu tolong org sbab tu salu je ade org tolong ko :)
Izu: memang betul, kawan2 jadi cam adik beradik. memang baik btol, alhamdulillah syukur ade kawan camni. Amin, moga Allah beri yg terbaik utk mereka dunia akhirat.
Ida: thanx ida :)
Hajar: hehe sape yg ensem tuh? Azmir ke kawan die? kikiki.. report kat zahim nnt..
tiba-tiba teringat lak ada dak kt uia dulu leh ckp fluently malay, thai, english, arab, french and ape tah lagi.. amazed!! and jealous ofcoz..
Sape ek? akak rase cam penah dengar tp x ingat nama die. Klu batch akak ade sorang, name die Juria Toramae, bet u knew her. bole cakap perfect English, Arabisch, Thai and malay. Memang kagum..
mungkin la tu, nama dia tak tau lak apa, tp mmg kagum ah ngn dia
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