Sunday, February 6, 2011

Books, books, books...

Last Saturday we made a trip to a nearby bookstore called Thalia, actually I just wanted to look for a Deutsch course book, since the 2nd module for Deutsch course had started last week.
This is us getting ready to go..

Ambik gambar dulu kikiki..

The bookstore remind me so much of Kinokuniya in KLCC, it has this sitting area where people could spend their time reading, I loved it instantly.. very comfortable and cozy.

mmmmm.. looks like the she's delivering a speech or something...

The best thing was, there was quite a selections of English books available, not much but at least these much by Sophie Kinsella were available.. Most of them I've read, but there were other books too by other Author. I wouldn't have shipped any story books here if only I had discovered this before.

This is what I'm reading now..

Ok, guess what? that was not the whole story yet, there were only few choices of english books available because German's people, they don't really read english books, maybe some of them do, but the majority still look for books in Deutsch language, so, all the English books were translated to Deutsch!! Can you believe it?? I hardly believed it myself...

Look, this is the famous novel kan?? I'm not a big fan of this, but I know it was famous. This is the translated version.

And also almost all books by Sophie Kinsella in Deutsch version were available..
Check this out, 'Mini Shopaholic'... I guess books by her were always a hit anywhere, thats why they were displayed here at the most wanted section.

This one, I'm not sure which one, the title is something like "I'll tell no more, Darling", is there any book by Sophie Kinsella with that kind of title? I've never seen anything like it.. the closest possible could be "Can you keep a secret?"

This, I'm sure everybody knows, Khaled Hosseini only wrote two books so far, if I'm not mistaken. This is the Deutsch version of "A Thousands Splendid Suns".

And also, my favorite "The Kite Runner" also by Khaled Hosseini.. this book has touched my heart deeply.. not only for the wonderful story itself but the realization of the hardships those Afghanis had gone through...

Haaaaaa.. there were several books available by Nicholas Sparks, Deutsch version of course. He wrote the famous "Message in the bottle", for those who love "jiwang karat" version, books by him are highly recommended.

I guess, it's an opportunity for me to learn Deutsch better, if I could only finish one of these novels, since I've read the english version, I might not totally be at a loss.. hehe
we'll see...

Ehehe.. This is "The Kite Runner" on the inside, hehehe bole faham ke? I could only picked up some, here and there.. hehe... Ntah ler...


Ida said...

Fuuhh, camana yek klu sume english book kat Malaysia di translate cam gini? ade ke agak nye org nak beli? bukan ramai pun yg suke membaca kat msia kan..

ummi_ziz said...

Wah tk leh bli buku baru selagi buku "Meet Me on Platform 8" tak hbs2 lg..ada lg sket nk hbs kn..hihi.

Hmm bestnya mini shopaholic, tk baca lg. Nway, yg twenties girl tu dh baca, mula2 cam slow sket kn..;)tp lama2 dh best smpi hbs, i loikee..:)

So, Happy reading sis!

Miss Anna said...

ida: theres not such demand kat m'sia sebab nye kat m'sia english ni 2nd language, chinese pun ramai and malay sndiri pun ramai yg suke baca novel english. unlike here, ramai yg x tau lngsung english! sbb tu they have no choice but to translate.

Miss Anna said...

Izu: mmg camtu la, kite baca slow sket lmbat sket abis coz bnyk commitment kan ceh wah! ye la, anak2 pun nak attention. klu kite asyik ngan buku je, ngamuk la diorang haha.
Oh mmg slow ek buku tu, actually some of buku sophi kinsella ni mmg slow skit mule2, tu yg lmbat je progress, tp towards the end salu msti best and sampai x leh letak plak :)
Thanx for the info sis :)

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