Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Certainly the journey of creating a loving relationship can be rocky at times. Problems are definitely inevitable. But these problems either can be sources of resentment and rejection or can be opportunities for deepening intimacy and increasing love, caring and trust. Like my hubby once said, 'if trust wears thin, sincerity and respect become things of unheard' but i think it's not just sincerity and respect but everything else too.
I've learnt from the book that the two biggest mistakes we make in relating to the opposite sex are men mistakenly offer solutions and invalidate feelings while woman offer unsolicited advice and direction. oooo men hates that yeah?
While men tend to pull away and silently think bout what's bothering them, woman on the other hand feel an instinctive need to talk bout what's bothering them. Men primarily need a kind of love that is trusting, accepting, and appreciative while woman primarily need a kind of love that is caring, understanding and respectful.. mmmm... thers a whole lot more, very very interesting book, as i read more and more, i found myself nodding to every single statement mentioned bout how woman behave and react and feel, and i would say to myself, " oh ya, that is sooo like me..." Relationship is not complicated, with a clear awareness of our differences, we will take the time to understand and respect each other and becoming demanding, resentful, judgmental and intolerant are all avoidable....

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