Salam aidil adha buat semua... coincidently, raya haji tahun ni bertembung dengan Birthday Afeef :)
Oh, my boy dah besar sangat !!
So, kami pun celebrate lah secara kecil kecilan sambil ajak kawan2 muslim berdekatan sempena Aidil adha and jugak birthday Afeef..
Masak simple2 je, x buat rendang and lemang pun, sebab mode malas heheheh.. hanyalah nasik lemak and ayam goreng..
Thanx very much to hubby yg menyediakan ayam goreng dgn penuh kasih sayang hehe, dan jugak tolong basuh pinggan lepas semua tetamu balik :) Jasa mu ku kenang..
Tapi bab cake ni I buat dengan penuh ketekunan dan kerajinan, x lupa juga,
'With Love..' hehe

Cantik tak??
Sprinkle star2 tu di import dari Malaysia ok..
Bentuk kek birthday kali ni spesyel sket (sebenarnye terlebih adunan so tatau nak wat camne, bakar ler dalam 2 bekas, satu petak, satu love, bile dah masak baru dapat idea nak tingkat kan aje kih kih..)
Hasil nye, NOt Bad !!
Fatini Loike !! hehe

Tengok tu, mengalahkan birthday boy la die ni..
Siap pakai kostum Rapunzel lagi tuh.. tak tahan hehe..

Macam dia pulak Birthday girl hehe..

Antara kanak2 yg hadir, Alya, gadis comel yg berambut panjang tu, Haziq, x de dalam gambar, both are anak Kak Azie, and lastly Florian.. (x de dlm gambar jugak, sebab blom smpai)
Haaa jangan terkejut, Florian and family pun datang ok !!
Tapi langsung lupa ambik gambar ngan diorang, diorang yg latest sampai, aduhai I memang slalu lupa bab gambar2 ni, ape pun, diorang datang walaupun invitation nye last minit, pagi ahad tu baru call diorang, and diorang datang !! and with a promise that later they will buy Afeef a present.
Nak bagi jugak, Adoi.. ape2 aje laa.. hahah
Diorang stay sampai about 6.30pm, minum dua round ccoffe, they tried all the foods, sempat main game Wii bersama hehe, chit chatting dlm Deutsch version hentam kromo jugak :D x pe lah, janji faham hehe.. diorang faham ke agaknye? klu x faham pun buat2 faham la kot hehe.. they listened to me playing the Piano, and Florian pun dah mula belajar main piano, Wow I'm so excited when they told me that !!
Florian is currently learning Karate too, and Afeef is going to try that klass this coming Friday.. hopefully Afeef will find this Karate klass interesting :) And they can meet up regularly again twice a week..
Wow, it was a very exciting day, I found myself smiling whenever I think of Lilly and Victor..
I wonder why I'm so fond of them, we speak different languages, yet we laughed a lot together, there's really something bout them... honesty? sincerity? kindness?
All of that, but there's something else too...
Think and think and think...
I knew it,
Perhaps because they always always showed their interest and enthusiasm in whatever we told or shared with them..
Yeah, that's it..
Even the small present we bought for them from Malaysia and they spent a few minutes studying it, adoring it :D
Everything, every single thing is interesting to them..
Lilly asked for the Choc cake recipe and I wrote for her in Deutsch and they were both like,
"Wow, that's good, keep it up :D"
and they both looked like as if they were bout to clap their hands for me all because I could write the recipe in Deutsch haha.. rasa cam budak sekolah yang kena puji hehe..
So, the next date, they gonna take us to Dinner.. this time, I'm no longer nervous or reluctant, I'm already feeling comfortable around them.. even when there's not much to talk..
Anyway, Lilly said I speak Deutsch much better than last time haha !! ye la tu..
Ape pun, telupa langsung nak ambik gambar ngan diorang, tapi gambar bunga yg diorang bawak ada la hehe..
Ni dia..
Cantik kan hehe..

I learnt a lot from them, I wanna be just like them insyaAllah, if we have the chance later in Malaysia, meeting a foreign family and we will treat them as nice as Victor and Lilly had treated us..
In a place where we have no family and close friends,
They make us feel like... we belong...