Ok, this story is a bit outdated, but still I wanna write bout it.. it's my hubby's 'ayam golek' ok.. I must appreciate his effort for cooking.. ayam golek is super easy to make, but the taste is not going to be necessarily super tasty..ehe.. but hubby did quite a good job, it was delicious! so, to hubby, salu2 la masak ye ehehe.. you have a talent in cooking!

Nampak cam sedap kan?

This was our dinner, ayam golek, fries (fatini's feveret), nasik and scrambled egg? eh mana gambar scrambled egg? laaaaa telupe nak include.. sume prepared by my lovely, sweet, kind hearted, x romantic but loving hubby.. ni bukan bodek ok..

Ok, sume ready for dinner, Fatini cam biase, nak makan pun pakai topi.. Afeef tukang baca doa makan..

This one is a different story, this was our last saturday's outing.. was a great great great and beautiful day, because it was sunny..

Minah ni excited bile nampak snow..

Cik Aleena pulak x bole lama2, musti nangis..

Off we go..

Nampak tak betapa excited nye die!

Sempat stop kejap nak usik2 snow kat tebing tuh.. uisshh notty notty.. basah tau sarung tangan..

Isn't it beautiful?? The sun and the snow and the light it cast on the snow.. so beautiful and memorable sight.. eh, mana Fatini??

Ther she is, if u look closely, she's wearing a pink winter jacket that she never had on her before.. and nampak x macam sendat sket? haaa ape lagi kalau bukan baju Aleena.. sungguh sendat and ketat ok??! dia sendiri cakap "Fatini rasa ketat la.. tapi x pe fatini tahan..."
Kalau bole sume yg Aleena punye die nak rasmikan dulu.. notty notty...

Ok, this one is a real story, I bought this glove last wekend on our outing.. I had also planned to meet k.Azie somewhere so I culd return her watch that she had left in the Mosque a few weeks ago. While waiting for k.Azie, I went inside my faveret shop here and spotted this amazing glove, i tried it on and figured that it must be very comfortable, it's thick, looks like a thick fabric to me! The price was 5euro and I never gave it a 2nd thought and bought it straight away.. What the heck, it's a glove made of PIG SKIN!!!

Look closely, it has got those tiny tiny bintik2 an indicator of a pig skin.. I was so stupid not to noticed this. And it didn't occur to me, not even the slighest that this glove was a leather.. it looks like thick fabric to me!! Thank Allah, for I felt so determined to return k.azie's watch even though almost x jadi to meet up, and because of that, k.azi's hubby noticed my glove has got tiny dots and when I checked, Oh my God, 100% leather!! What else could it be other than pig skin if the price was so cheap!? So ther u go, in the garbage bag.. but, thats not the end of the story yet, rupe2 nye kat sini mmg suke kulit babi laa.. my shoes, Fatini's shoes sume ade pig skin kat bhgian tapak die huhu... x sangka.. nasib baik la dah tau.. so we are more careful now.. so kecoh la satu rumah and Afeef cakap " ya Allah! kasut fatini pun ade kulit babi!"
and Fatini pun cakap, " Tak pe, fatini suka kasut Fatini ade kulit BARBIE..." hehehe.. blur sungguh..
Apa yg cuba dipaparkan di sini bukan la budak gedik ni ye.. but..
Yang dekat kaki tu.. tuuuu tengok betul2.. ni bukan kasut pig skin ok! 100% plastic..
Ohhhh.. cantiknya kasut princess... sampai terpeleot kaki x terkira brape kali ntah, tapi still pakai.. and now dah pandai pakai high heels.. nak jadi princess punye pasal.. ahaha
Aleena, is this her habbit now?? noooo laaa...sometimes die isap2 puting ikut suke hati die.. yg penting dah pandai ambik sendiri and masuk ke mulut.. cute..