It is Fruhling (Spring).....
The most beautiful season of all...
Flowers are everywhere...
On the grass, on the trees, by the roadsides, they are everywhere...
So so so so beautiful..

Can you imagine how small the basket is???

A nice time to take a pic too !!

She said, "Look mama!! Pawer...." (that's how Aleena pronounces flower) hehe

And our daily routine in conjunction with Spring season and also School Holiday,

Nice kan? This is the children's section :)

And look, there's also soft toys for children to play with :)

And nampak tu, Ratu buku betul hehehe... the other kids her age were busy playing, but she was just totally engrossed in her book :)


Dan lagi.... hehehe

Day 2 @ library, and still.....
She just loves books...
I hope to maintain this passion she has for books :)
Overall, for me, Spring is the most wonderful time of the year, the changes from shorter daytime to a longer one...
From a dark, gloomy winter to a sunny and bright day...
From an icy cold to a comfortable heat....
The changes was just great, makes me feel new everyday...
Makes me feel alive everyday too :)
And lastly...

My latest project...

What do you think??
Some changes of mood here, from all pink, purple and red, why not a lil something of black, white and grey...
mmmmm... I know I know, it should be the other way around, I should be painting this during winter, and start with all the colorful flowers during Spring, silly me hehehe..
Never mind, I paint something depending on my mood and regardless of the weather :)
Nevertheless, I'm very satisfied with this one :)
Till later, salam....