Wednesday, May 7, 2014

LiFe GoEs On...

"Dear Kaiserslautern Germany, 
I really miss you... " 

  "Liebe Kaiserslautern Germany...
        Ich vermisse dich sehr...."
(Ini tiru ayat Afeef, skodeng email yang dia hantar kat best friend dia kat sana haha :D 

But his was:  Liebe Damian or Liebe Luan....)

It's been more than 5 months but there were times when I missed KL Germany more than ever! 

And I can't believe that I've spent almost every day now reading my own blog hehe.. I read the old posts, and really, surprisingly, I found lots of stories that I've totally forgotten about!
Haaiiihh.. I should have written every details of our life there..

Ok, ok...
Actually, I'm not as sad as I used to be... 
But I'll miss Kaiserslautern Germany always...

The kids... 
They are so happy... (",)

She enjoys kindergarten very much... 
She has a classmate who happens to be our next door neighbor's daughter.
And they became best friend!
Everyday they play together!

And Afeef...
He is the most popular boy in school...
He is the Malay-German dictionary for his teachers and friends... errrr not just teachers and friends, actually the Gardeners, the Canteen people, the Pak Guard, and the Cleaners too.. Haha..

He already has lots and lots of friends!
A regular group who came over to our place every friday evening, they play wii game together, sometimes football...

Not just that, they have cousins who they look forward to meet every school holiday, and every time we go to Kuala Lumpur.. Hehe

Meet the cousins!!!
Aishah & Sarah (",)
This was last School Holiday, they had a great time together at our place (",)
The kids were always counting days to get together again and again and again!

Ahah... Happy sangat!

What else..??

Most importantly, the kids are exposed to the Islamic environment, until they enjoy going to the Mosque, Afeef enjoy solat Jumaat so much, every friday he would excitedly get dressed for Friday's prayer and head to the Mosque with his friend. 
Back in Germany, I have to remind them over and over again of Solat time.
Nowadays, because of the environment I supposed, and the Azan they keep hearing on TV and from the nearby Mosque, they would voluntarily get ready for Solat!

They say Salam all the time now instead of 'Hallo...' Hehe..
And many2 more...

Which made me realized:
'Life in Germany is what I want, but it's not necessarily what's best...' mmm...

"Perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not..." 
(Al-Baqarah: 216)

What else should I want?

...... I just wanna be close to Him....
......"In the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find tranquility" (13:28)......

Till later, salam...

Eh, mana story Aleena?

1 comment:

sitiezahim said...

Rindu Sgt saat2 gather2

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