A few years ago, I would strived to make sure that I'd have my own career, I couldn't imagined myself staying at home for the rest of my life...
For me, life at home was not a life at all...
I've gone through almost 2/3 of this marriage with me busy completing a bachelor degree in IIUM, a year ++ as a full time housewife in Malaysia and 2 years as a full time housewife here in Deutschland..
In that 1 year in Malaysia as a housewife, I had many plans for myself, to further studies, to get a job, to start my own business etc etc..
I just couldn't stand it, couldn't bear life as a housewife.. I found it utterly... boring...
But in these 2 years of life as housewife in Deutschland, I have not even felt the slightest boredom, I have no longer wished a life as a career woman, In fact, I don't want any other kind of life but, the one that I have now !!!
I don't know if this feeling is only temporary or not, because being a housewife in Deutschland is very highly acknowledged, and appreciated..
I got scolded once by my Deutsch teacher for saying,
"I have no profession, I'm a housewife.."
And she got all emotional and said,
"Housewife is a profession!! you cook, clean, take care of your kids, bla bla bla... maybe in M'sia it's not a profession, but here in Deutschland it is, bla bla... "
So I guess, I've already have a profession and it's the best !!
Count my word on that, and recently, I've discovered something from one of the stores here, a painting boards... lots and lots of them, with different sizes...
Oh my, suddenly, the desire to paint again overwhelmed me heheh..

So I started last week, my 1st trial, I bought a small board 1st, in case in turned out disastrous :D
But it didn't end up disastrously, fortunately enough for me hehe..
I tried a simple and kiddy kind of drawing 1st with Fatini nearby, watching me closely, scrutinizing details of my drawing, and repeated the same compliment over and over again,
"Wow... cantik nya mama lukis !!"
For a 4 year old, cantik sgt la painting ni, but.... hubby was also impressed???!!!!
Aiyo, wait till he sees my real paintings... haha !! :D
Just kidding, i'm not that good actually, but hubby said there's part of me that has never been exposed, or that part of me that he never knew about?? hehe
Maybe he's right, there's so much desires in me, to paint, to play music, to decorate, to come up with something different, but none of it was possible in Malaysia, the exposure was just not there..
But here, everything seems possible and is made possible by existing opportunity..
I'm not so good at any of it, but I can certainly make something simple looks attractive.. but again, it lies in the eyes of the beholder..
Some people might find it not even the least attractive hehe..

For example, I found this from a different stores, and combining it...

Not bad huh ??

Or, this...

And this...
Just a lil bit of imagination, and there you go...
By the way, the whole house is like 'kedai bunga' already hehe..
So, what a great life a housewife can have, you have lots of time to start your hobby, to do whatever you desire, as for me, I have so many things to do in one day that time never seems enough for me...

I have lots of time to read, currently, i'm on this interesting Mary Higgins novel...
And, I have lots of time to cook too..
Not just any cook, I can try any new recipes any time I want !!

This one is called Irischer Auflauf, obtained from Nuraliza's blog, sedap tau, I suka !! Later I'll post an entry bout this recipe :)
And also, I have lots of time to play piano, to learn Deutsch, to start painting, to spend times with the kids which is priceless, to help Afeef with his homework, to go out and have fun anytime I want, and most importantly, I have lots of time for ibadah, isn't that cool ??
Isn't housewife the best profession ??
The answer is YES to me, and it's heaven on earth, and I know, later in Malaysia, things might be different, everything might not be as sweet as it is now, but...
Life can be interesting anywhere, everywhere right??
With God's will, everything is possible..
And, the truth is always there, God has plans for all of us, it might not be something we like or what we wanted in the beginning, but turned out to be a bed of roses, and with a lil bit of realization and a positive thinking, the truth will hit you.....
That life, wherever you live it, is full of blessings, in it's very own way..