Last wekend had been a hectic one, Mike had invited us for lunch at his place on Saturday but we had to turned him down coz hubby had planned to attend a talk by Prof.Dr. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (the former president of Indonesia) in Aachen. Coincidently, a friend in Bonn gave birth to her first baby on Thursday if i'm not mistaken, so I've decided to come along and pay her a visit. We stayed at a friends home in Bonn, so on Saturday hubby went for the talk and me and two other friends went to visit Yla and her baby :)
On the way to the hospital, Zinnirah our hostess had informed me earlier that Diyana her friend who's been living in Bonn for two years now would join us. When I first saw her, I had this familiar feeling that I've seen her before or even know her.. but where?? I boggled my mind for a while but couldn't quite figure it out.. but since she didn't say anything bout me looking familiar or anything, I just ignored the feelings..
So we made our way to the hospital..
That's Yla and her baby boy.. so cute :)
Zinnirah, Yla and me..
Cute kan? Amyr Danish namenye :)
That's Diyana.. she looks so familiar, but we hadn't had the chance yet to dig on each other's story, coz we were all busy talking to Yla, listening to her giving birth experience, and also busy photographying hehe..
The room is huge and comfortable too, but still, given all the wonderful facilities, I don't think I'm ready for another baby hehe..
So, when we were done, we've finally had the chance to talk, then terbongkar la semuanya... no wonder Diyana looks so familiar, the first thing I discovered was that we were in the same school before, Sekolah Kebangsaan Gombak Setia, but she's 4 years younger than me, what's the connection then? Korek2 lagi, ooooo rupe2 nye her house is only a few houses away from my mom's home in Gombak!! What a coincidence!! and not just that, korek2 lagi rupe2 nye she is my younger sister's friend!! Achso.... They knew each other so well, ye la she's my sister's age haha..
She knows my mother coz my mom is a former teacher there, she knows exactly where my mom's house is located, she said she passed by there quite often when she was in Malaysia haha.. now she's married to a Mesir guy who works here and will probably stay here for good..
Kelakar bila fikir2 balik, bertemu kami di bumi Deutschland, and yes what a small world!!
We had an awesome trip, Fatini jugak dapat doll baru, Rapunzel, rezeki Fatini la, sebab tgh sale giller2 kat Bonn, so Rapunzel ni dah jadi half prize, klu x de diskaun x de la mama nak belikan.. sebab doll yg ade pun dah bergolek2 aje kat rumah, rambut kusut and sebagainye hehe.. Rapunzel ni, mama pulak yg jadi tukang sikat rambutnye hari2, sabar je la huhu..
comelnyee baby yla..tengok la emak bapaknye kan...
iye la hajar, macam saya dan anak2 jugak la kan.. hehehe..
Subhanallah. hebat betul kuasa Allah kan. Dari selang beberapa buah rumah, tup tup jumpa kat tempat yg jauh dari rumah. hihi.
Baby tu sangat comel! come one Kak Nana. Dah boleh tsmbah lagi 1 dah. hihihi :)
alhamdulillah.. da selamat yla.. =)
seronok tgk n baca pengalaman kak na kat sana..
have fun..! heehe
nuurill: hehehehe!!! akak tungu nuurill tambah dulu kot :D
ayu: thank you very much ayu :) pengalaman berharga, someday I'll miss all this as much as u do :)
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