Nowadays, it is an excruciating effort to start writing my blog.. hahaha, ok la stop exaggerating ok??!!...
Ni cerita hari ape pun x brape ingat, basically it happened last week.. Afeef is going to start school soon, in August, so last week there was a sort of 'sesi beramah mesra' between him and his new friends and teachers.. so off we were to this new school which was only bout 15 minutes walking from home.. but, I'm tellin u, mendaki bukit baik punya beb.. camni ade harapan la mama bertambah kurus, yahooooooo!!! dah la kena tolak stroller yang ade dua budak kat atas nye hehe.. just imagine how much callories I would burn per day.. camni, tak yah la gi jogging lagi heheh..
This is the inside of the school... Papa yang anta Afeef masuk classroom, and telupe snap gambar die dlm classroom.. too bad... :(
Parents pulak di bilik menunggu, all Deutche, x bole la nak sembang2 hehe..
But ade la sorang yg bukan Deutsche, he's from Pakistan, dapat la menambah kenalan di bumi Deutschland ni.. he's been in Deutschland for 10 years, speak Deutsch fluently and good English..
Bout half an hour, then tamat la sesi beramah mesra ni... That's wat he did in class, kaler2..
When asked, if he likes this school better than his kindergarten now, Afeef just slowly shook his head... ooooowwhh...
I asked him "why?" though I could predict the reason already..
He said, " School ni x de Florian..."
Ok, Florian is his best friend now, they played lots and lots of time together, Afeef had even been in Florian's home twice. Florian's mom was also sad that Afeef is going to start school soon, which means her son would loose his only best friend in kindergarten... there's no other way, because Florian is 5 years old, and it's not possible for him to start school...
Takpela Afeef, Mama doakan Afeef dapat banyak lagi best fren kat school baru ni ok??
Fatini and her lip balm, everywhere pegi mesti bawak ok... aiyoo..
What a coincidence! ktrg pon pegi meeting kt primary school yg Zahin akn msk this Sept last thursday..hihi Zahin siap nangis lg, sbb tade bestfren2 dia la jgk..yg fr her kinder ada sorg je yg akn satu school ngan dia nti tp bdk lelaki..dia kata bkn kawan dia. ;D
Sian kan diorang pe la kita doa, diorang akn jmp lebih rmi lg kawan kn? Good luck to Afeef!
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