Oh my oh my, this is by far the longest since I last wrote in this blog... what's happening to me??? Oh, the answer is easy, i'm just too occupied now...... with what???
hehehe... my all time favorite pastime...
This is it... hehehe

I'm not so good at it, when I was a lil girl, I used to play a lot and also learned how to play, but I stopped halfway, I culdn't recall the reason why I quit, but it was something which I regret later.. Nevertheless, I managed to play lots of famous songs.
But, after sometimes, through lack of practice, I've forgotten how to play and also how to read the notes.. but I still remember the basics.. so in 2001, realizing how much passions I have for piano, I registered myself for a piano course, went for a few classes for a few months, then got married and everything stopped again.. too bad... but, the desire to play piano is always there, dulu kini dan selamanya... so when I noticed this keyboard sold on ebay, 2nd hand but still is in good condition, and waaaaayy cheaper than the new one, I quickly bid for it and I got it, Yeay!!!
And surprisingly, I can really play again, just a bit of study so I could recall the notes again and the chord.. which is why now, I kinda abandoned my blog here ngeh ngeh :)
Apart from this, it was also a busy week because we had frens comin over from UK and also makan2 for all Malaysian students here on Saturday.. :)
But, that's not the story I wanna tell here..

Ok, cerita menarik minggu ini, ialah game bowling hehehe.. This was on Sunday. Nampak tu, gaya professional papa nak throw ball.. hey, I mean, he's really2 good ok, he rarely played, but he's just got the skill and talent, until he became the center of attention there.. huhu, which I thought at first, the center of attention was me, because my ball always masuk longkang!! hahaha.. but I later realized, it wasn't me, it was hubby.. and I think, Fatini mewarisi bakat bowling papa laa.. why I said so? tunguu ye..

Tu coach tengah bagi tunjuk ajar...

Tak kesah la kan camne pun caranye nak baling bola tu kan hehehe!!
Kecewa die sebab ball nye kena satu pin je...

Ok, yang ni bukan masuk longkang ye..

Ok, Fatini's turn... she did a great job..

Ok, ni la die result for 1st game, nampak tu brape kali papa 'strike', semua orang German keliling tengok die main ok, jeles tau, I plak asyik masuk longkang je.. sungguh malu okay!!
And, not just that, tengok Fatini punye result, lagi banyak dr mama ok, and 1st throw die 'strike' !!!!! Believe it or not... That's why I said, she has papa's genes when it comes to sports.. mmmmm.. but she has my genes for music hehehe...

Yang kecik ni pun nak join main kot.. sibuk je kat situ tanpa segan silu.. hehe

"Mama, can I have this green ball??" Hehehe..
Comel kan??