Sunday, December 22, 2013

6 More days.....

6 more days...
6 more days, and I'm gonna have to put all these behind...
6 more days, and I'm gonna have to let go...
6 more days, and I'm gonna have to start a new life... 
A new beginning... 

It feels so...... Wrong...

A few months ago, I was super excited to leave..
The idea alone made me feel so alive.
But, as we are nearing the day, the emptier my heart feels...
As empty as the house as more and more stuffs being packed in a box or thrown away..

The more I watched Afeef so close to tears whenever he talked about how sad he is to leave his best friends, the more my heart sinked.. There were times, when sadness was too overwhelming that I felt my throat constrict, and my chest felt heavy that I felt like as if I'm choking.. 

Haaaiiiihhh... Can you believe this??
Yeah yeah... That's me... I became extremely emotional these days..

It is way past midnight  now, and midnight is the time where sadness reach its peak... Oh so much memories playing in my head over and over again.... 

 I found it hard to sleep lately, coz I hate waking up in the morning and know that I have less days in Deutschland. 

I've been waiting to watch the last snow fall, but seemed like there'll be no snow fall this year.. 

Aha.... Tak de rezeki...

I know, I'll miss Deutschland terribly...
I know only time will heal....

Only time will heal.... 

Till later, Assalamualaikum wbt... 

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