Last year, there was this period where I opened my blog only for invited readers, that time Spring had just started if I'm not mistaken.
But, I had never really updated this blog during that period, because.... you know... I just lost the desire to write...
So, there's lots and lots of stories left unwritten.. like the days we spent with Florian's family, our Summer trip, Aidilfitri 2012, our first time organizing kenduri arwah here, my mom's visit, my sister's visit and many2 more!!
Sooooo rugi, because this blog is like a diary to me, and someday (kalau dipanjangkan umur) we might want to read this again, reminisce about it again, and most importantly, someday my children might want to read it too, things from my heart, things we did together when they were young, and they couldn't remember them..
I know, a picture is worth a thousand words, so we don't need writings actually because we have many photos together!
But, nothing can ever replace words that comes from the heart....
So, back to the topic...
Recently, a friend asked about our last year's Summer trip and one of the country we had visited, Switzerland..
So, As I was explaining to my friend about our trip, I found myself thinking hard on which one came first, this or that?
Oh my! I've forgotten some events???!!!
And as I was browsing the photos again to determine the sequence of events, I found many many more photos, events from last Spring, last Summer and last Autumn....
Ooooooohhhh.. So I decided to just share them here on this blog even though those stories were all rotten hehe..
So the first one is....
About end of Spring last year, we went bowling together with Lily, Victor and Florian...
Mike couldn't join us, I think he had to work.. Mmmm.. Not so sure of the reason actually, mmmmmm nampak tu dah lupe pun hehe..
Pic above: the talented Fatini (",)
And the 'let me do it my way' Afeef... (",)
I think I took Florian's photo too, but I couldn't find the photo..
Nevertheless, they all enjoyed bowling so much!
Maybe we'll go bowling together again, insyaAllah (",)
The results, I think hubby was 1st, and I couldn't recall who's 2nd, 3rd, but one thing for sure, Fatini scored more than me hahaaha!!
Afterwards, we invited them over for Bihun Tomyam, Tiramisu and cups and cups of coffee at our place...
mmmmmmm I don't have any photos of that, because I didn't take any, thank God I still remember all of it! (",)
So we chatted, and also this same day Victor gave me some advices on Gastritis and he did a little therapy on me, hubby took a photo of that haha, but I'm not gonna share that photo! It's private!
Nevertheless, I'm thankful to experience a therapy and receive advices from a Physiotherapist for free..
I wonder how much that would cost... huhu
A few days after that, they bought a special Tea for me, a natural treatment and a specialized Tea for Gastritis, I was utterly touched by their kindness... (",)
The next meet-up session after this one, was during Summer last year, they invited us over to their place, and we did some family things together, I'll write about it tomorrow insyaAllah...
Since Winter started, we've had no get together sessions with them, but Afeef still meets Florian regularly twice a week during Karate.
And we did get together with Mike once in a while...
This was a few weeks ago...
mmmmmmm... does this means my kids cakap orang puteh??? hehehe..
Anyway, Mike has a girlfriend now, so he's busy dating, which explains why Aleena is not in this photo?

Till tomorrow, Salam...