Finally, she smiles...
She really really smiles!!!
I bet some of you are probably wondering,
"What is going on?? Who is she???.."
Well, it's a long story...
I'm not gonna write it all, but all I can say is that, these past weeks had been indescribable...
There were hard and bitter moments, and there were sweet moments too..
And most importantly, how things had worked itself out for me and my family miraculously..
So, all I wanna say from this valuable experience and lesson I've just learned,
No matter what happens in life, never ever give up hope, never ever give up trying, and never ever stop having faith in God's plan, and never ever stop believing that He will give nothing but the best for us..
He will give us nothing but the BEST!!!
"I'ts been rainy for days and days, thunderstorm hits violently, I asked God, make the rain stops, take the thunderstorm away...
I asked and asked, but the rain never stops, it got worse instead, when I was about to give up hope, suddenly everything stops, the rain, the storm..
Then I realized why God gave me all those rainy days, it's because He wants me to have a sunny days and a rainbow too :)
It's soooooo beautiful....
So so so beautiful...
Thank you Allah!!