Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Aleena oh Aleena...

It's been a while since my last update...
It's been a hectic week, with friends came over to our place, and us went to visit Speyer a small town nearby, and it's school holiday, so I spend most of my times with the kids :)

And another huge problem i'm facing right now is...... Aleena....

She just turned two...
Trying so hard to stop her from breastfeeding...
I must say, she gave me the hardest time for this...
I've been trying for a week now, but she's just so stubborn hehehehe!!!
With Afeef, it was so easy, then again, everything was easy with Afeef :)
I had put some cough medicine on my... you know, and straight away he'd refused to feed on my breast.. it was that easy, and He was 2yrs and 2 months..
With Fatini was a bit difficult, but I was pregnant with Aleena when she was only 1year and a half, so somehow she'd sensed the reduced in milk production, so she prefers bottle fed.
With Aleena, I had put some medicine which taste horrible on my.... you know, and she'd refused to feed directly temporarily, she'd say,
"Susu mama tak sedap" hehe..
But, problem is, she started having trouble sleeping at night, she ended up staying up for an hour or so at night and crying endlessly..
I gave up, and let her have it but told her that only at night my milk is tasty hehehe..
During day time, when it's time for her nap, she'd request for 'susu mama' and I would put the medicine on and she'd not feed and end up sleeping on my lap whilst me rocking her.
This worked for a few days, until yesterday...
Yesterday, she didn't care and just feed directly with the medicine on, walaupun muka berkerut kerut menahan rasa ubat tak sedap, still she kept on sucking..
I laughed and laughed... ***sigh****
Stubborn Aleena....
I did some online search for this, and found another method...
A lemon... hehehe
A lemon on my........???!!!
We'll see, 90% says this worked just fine for them, if it doesn't work for Aleena , well maybe I'm gonna have to rack my brain for another method, or let her feed till the age of 5 hehehe..
Oh no, i'm not gonna let that happen !!

Well, that explains also why I have less time blogging or facebooking or anything doing with the computer, because she just culdn't see me sitting in front of my lappy, she'd come on my lap first, start tugging at my shirt, and start 'merengek'...
"Aleena ngantuk..." (walaupun baru je bangun tido)
Mama pun cakap,
"Ngantuk tido la, mama buai" (sambil mama pun rocked her back and forth)
"Tak nak buai..."
"Abis tu nak ape?"
"Nak susu dalam mama..." hehehe

Till later, salam...


noorulaz said...

haha so cute aleena.. eh untung tau dapat bf anak sampai 2 thn. cik adam nak direct 2 hari je..almaklumlah inverted n**ple. dah kena pam sampai sakit badan pinggang.. ikut hubby 6 bulan dah suruh stop since kesian tgk saya asik sakit, tapi berjaya jugak tahan sampai setahun.

mudah2an kali ni berjaya direct feed, dah practice pam dari skrg nk bg n**ple tak ke dalam. siap beli byk2 nursing wear tau!

noorulaz said...

but petua orang tua, nak bagi susu kurang mendadak, letak kobis sejuk kat cik B, pernah try masa anak sulung meninggal dalam perut dulu.. bengkak susu so tuam dgn kobis, dalam 2-3 mggu mmg dah normal.. tapi maybe juga sbb xde baby jadi takde demand kan. not sure, but can try.

ummi_ziz said...

Hi knana!

Dh leh masuk blog akk! Thanks..;)

Ala kesiannya Aleena..dulu zahin pon camtu gak, ltk apa2 je pon kt B izu, dia tak kisah dia hisap je! Hehe lps bg telur (izu citer aritu kn) baru dia lupe B hehe tp kene bg mkn telur rebus setiap kali dia mtk B N Jgn bg ketidak mmg mission fail hehe

Good luck! :)

Mixed-family in da house.... said...

Alalalala sian aleena....
Fauzana, biarlah wean off tu betlaku secara natural....kesian dia....hihihihi...
Sy pernah tekad utk amzar ni, biarlah dia nk DF selama mana pun (dateline umur 4 thn kottt) pumping sy akan stop bila amzar cecah 2 thn.....

Miss Anna said...

noorul: your 2nd baby ni high chance utk bf lama kan since dah nak jadi housewife hehe.. good luck noorul, ape2 problem utk continue bf, let me know, mana tau sy bole tolong ;)

izu: tak jadi bagi telur, dah letak lemon and it worked!!! nak story in next entry ;)

dini: waaaaa 4 tahun??!!! sy tak bole la, rimas jugak, tak jadi kerja asyik melekap aje.. hehe.. tu yg nekad nak berenti, plus malam2 waktu die dah lena, die tergigit, die tak sedar pun, sy yg sakit tak ingat, haih, nak wat camne lagi... ape pun dah brjaya pun, nnt sy story ;)

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