Last Wednesday 28/Mac was Aleena's birthday and as mentioned in my previos post, we were to celebrate it on Saturday with some close friends..
So, this is the story of Aleena's 2nd Birthday...

This is the cake, this time I've made a simple vanilla cake hehe...
I even forgot to buy the candles hahaha..
She's only 2 years old, no request for any special cake unlike Afeef who'd requested for a Spongebob cake for his next birthday and Fatini requested for a mermaid cake for her next birthday...
Haih, macam2...
Wait till Aleena is a bit older, what kind of a cake wuld she request for??? huhu..
And I'm gonna have to rack my brain at each of their Birthdays hehe..

So, table is set, what I've cooked for the day...
Mee goreng mamak, apam beras and bread with sosej and chicken curry fillings (not in this photo sbb tengah masak dlm oven hehe)
Overall, I've received compliments for all dishes heheh.. (mode bangga )

And, lets see who came to our little party :)
Mike was the first to arrived, he even brought a nice present for Aleena, of coz la kan, diorang kan kamceng haha..
See, that blue wrapped box with a teddy bear's nose poking from it was a gift from Mike.. nicely wrapped, so sweet :)

And.... adegan yang tak sanggup di lihat hahaha..
Sesi gedik2 Aleena with Mike :D

Dan lagi hehe... tak tahan, dok atas riba Mike lagi ok, and Mike had to eat with Aleena on his lap!!!
And he didn't mind a bit... He seemed to enjoy it :D
And also Lily and Victor arrived shortly after Mike, this was their first time meeting each other, they were suppose to meet each other at Fatini's birthday last time, but Mike couldn't make it on time because he had to work, and this time he made it, even though Mike's Deutsch isn't so good just yet, but he gets along so well with Lily and Victor. :)
In fact, he'd even looked forward to meet someone who he can practice his Deutsch with..
So, there you go Mike, amazed with his ability to speak and he'd only learn Deutsch by himself :)
So just imagine, an American, a Deutsche and a Malaysian when they get together hehe..
There was a mixture of English, Deutsch and Malaysisch hehe...
Victor even suggested that we get together every weekend, and spend half an hour speaking in English and half an hour speaking in Deutsch hehe...
Great idea!!!

Victor and Mike are so full of sense of humor, Oh my, we had a great laugh!!!!

Cake time :)
Look at Aleena, she's actually looking at Mike.. haha.. Can't take my eyes off you??? hehe

Happy Birthday my Dear Girl :)

And.. mmmm.. not just yet the time to open presents!!!!!!
We were supposed to have a session for this, but they just couldn't wait hehe.. while parents were still busy chatting, they quietly unwrapped one present, the one's from Mike..
I guess that visible nose just got them attracted to it hehe..
I heven't even snapped any photos of all presents..

So here it is, all three presents..
That only gift left fully wrapped was from Lily and Victor :)
That huge box with a baby doll and a stroller was from us :)

Look at this, they were fighting each other over this little stroller and a baby doll..
Oh my...
Fatini, Fatini, last time she didn't even let Aleena touched her Birthday present!! But, when Aleena's turn came, suddenly everything had to be shared... ***sigh***

They were so busy fighting that they forgot one present was still left unopened...


Oh my Oh my...
I got a shock seeing this !!!
Fatini was soooo excited, jumping up and down..
Wanna know why???
We've been wanting to buy this doll for her, she has been wanting it so badly too, it's the latest product from Baby Alive, the commercial was all over the TV, so she had been asking for it, and I told her, she can have it, only after she learnt to go the toilet herself, learnt to put things back in order after she'd used it, and a few other conditions, and she has been working on all these conditions and almost 90% succeeded, and two days before the Birthday party I was already surveying and comparing the best prices for this doll and was so close to buy it...
And look.. there it is...
Ini la nama nya rezeki :)
Sungguh2 la rezeki Fatini, even though the gift was meant for Aleena, but it so happen that she didn't have so much interest for it, (that's because she loves the one's from Mike haha)
So the Baby doll belongs to Fatini haha..

Well, this is me explaining to Lily how badly Fatini wanted this doll :)
mmmmm... This is all there is for this Birthday story...
Overall, it was a great great day...
I know I've said this many times, but last Saturday was also one of the best wekend in Deutschland..
We had so much fun, great laughs, precious, memorable and unforgettable moments...
I know, I'll definitely miss all these someday...
The thought of going back to Malaysia and leave all these wonderful friends makes my eyes water..
On the day for us to leave later, I know I'll definitely cry..
I'll miss them and Deutschland too..
Though I beieve that perhaps everything wont end there, they would visit us in Malaysia, but, it's not gonna be the same and not gonna be as much as we are seeing each other now...
Well, what can I do, friends come and go...
We meet and we part..
That's part of life,
Life's like that....
Ps: There's more to come, insyaAllah.... We have planned for so many activities together at different places and this time around, Mike is gonna join us too...
Sunday's story, Gartenschau again, with golfing activities and sun bathing hehe, that'll in my next post :)
Till later...