The more I learn about him, the more I'm in Love with him...
The more I learn about him, the more my heart longs to meet him in Hereafter...
Whenever i came across any stories of him being upset, I could as if really really feel his sadness that it made me cry...
I never thought that it's possible to miss someone you've never met your whole life, and yessss....
It is possible....
So, get to know him..
After Ramadhan's over, Tadarus continues on, now we get together through Skype everyday, yes EVERYDAY, and It's something everyone seems to look forward to everyday too..
And yes, as for me, I couldn't miss it, my heart felt like something's missing if I've missed it for just one day... We just love to gather and recite the Quran and share the meaning and share everything else too...
I'm due to undergo a test this end of October, a test which I feared since I was a child, but, I found relief when I confided this fear to these friends I have.
They made doa for me and convinced me that Allah is near, and that I shouldn't fear...
Most importantly, I could feel their sincerity and it touched my heart..
Yes, I'm convinced now, Allah is near and I shouldn't fear....
Remember I've shared this once before :

"And when My servants ask you about Me, of course, I am near. I respond to the call of one when he prays to Me;'so they should respond to Me, and have faith in Me so that they may be on the right path." (2:186)
You see, We as human beings, we tend to forget what we used to have strong faith in.
And as for me, I used to held on so strongly to this particular ayah before, and a few days ago, it seemed to be slipping away from me, and then these friends reminded me again.. And through these people Allah gives me confidence!
This is one of the importance of usrah, so we can help each other, remind each other everyday...
It is also a session where we learn more about our Prophet, about Isra' Mi'raj, about how beautiful our Prophet was inside and outside... etc etc... It is where I realized there's a lot that I don't know, I realized that the learning process will never end, there's more and more.... And I wouldn't want to be on that derailed path I once walked on...
If there's one thing I feel so reluctant to leave behind now, it is this Tadarus group, these people, these friends, from whom I've learnt so much...
I'll never quit finding great friends and people in Life, even if some you've met along the way might distance themselves away from you for some unknown reasons, but it is always always a time to REFLECT, what you've done wrong, that way, you'll improve yourself each day...
And believe me, if we are sincere enough, and do everything for Allah SWT, and set our mission so as to please Allah in everything we do, believe me, Allah will replace those who have turned their backs on you with a much much much better one... InsyaAllah...
Ok, I have to go now, time to get on Skype!!!
Till later, Assalamualaikum wbt....