Today, the first of Ramadhan, I've just made a whole new huge turn in my life...
I've managed to overcome my fears, I've managed to force myself to do something I really didn't want to do, but it's what I should do, because it's the right thing to do, no doubt about it, because I know, if I do it, Allah will be happy and hubby will be happy too...
And I've successfully did it with confidence too!!
A few months ago, when I was soooooo close to quitting Usrah, I desperately needed something to change my heart, and there it was... Allah had helped... Allah showed me the way, he had guided me, where I should go, what I should see, what I should learn from that... He'd helped open my heart again through people and friends around me...
Today, I desperately needed something again to prevent me from making the wrong decision, in that short moment I had to make the decision, and when I was soooooo close to making the wrong decision again, and I kept asking for help and... AGAIN Allah had helped..
The short tazkirah after Tadarus session today was just what I needed...
How a little tazkirah could change my heart entirely amazed me...
But actually, a little tazkirah could only make you realize of the good and right things you should do in life, but, only Allah can give you the strength and courage to do it and only Allah can change your heart.. Only Allah can do it...
If we have faith in Allah, everything in Life will be easy...
We'll have no more fears, no more uncertainties... Life will feel complete...
So, today's Tadarus, we had covered Juz 2 of Surah Al-Baqarah.. And since I was the one appointed to read the meaning of some of the Ayat, I found this profound ayat touched my heart so deeply...

"And when My servants ask you about Me, of course, I am near. I respond to the call of one when he prays to Me;'so they should respond to Me, and have faith in Me so that they may be on the right path." (2:186)
See how true it is....
Allah is near and He responds to our call.. Just have faith in Him, have faith in Him, have faith in Him... Always always...
Today, the 1st of Ramadhan, marked a new beginning in my life and a deeper meaning..
I've succeeded in something, I've managed to overcome my fears and fight uncertainties, and have strong faith in Allah SWT!!
So, if I could do it, so CAN YOU!!
Lets fight and do ibadah endlessly for this Ramadhan, it could be our last, we never know..
May Allah bless all of us..
Remember, He's near and He listens...
Till later, Salam...