Friday, June 8, 2012

After a while of not in the mood to write, today I have to write this...
It's been a hectic week for me, plus the kids... oh my...
They were so loud everyday that sometimes I think they were about to bring the whole place down...
But that's not my major problem..

The kids fighting all the time is my major problem..
Afeef is an exceptional, this fighting often occurs between Fatini and Aleena.. 

I often got too tired to respond to any of the complain,
"mama mama mama!!! Aleena buat Fatini..." sambil nangis2...

and 5 minutes later...

"mama mama.. kakak buat Aleena..." smbil nangis2...

on and on and on...

Sometimes, when I was too tired, I would just ignore them.. and Fatini was really frustrated that sometimes she said...

"Aleena buat Fatini tapi mama biar je...."

Owwwhhh.. that hurts and disturbing...
Am I a terrible mom ???

Ok, ok... I have to figure out a way to solve this...

I reminisced bout my childhood days..
Yeah, they were times when I got angry with my mother for 'doing nothing' when my other siblings hurt me, phisically or mentally...

Back then I didn't understand why did she do that? Didn't she love me?
Ok, I used to believe that she loved all my other siblings but not me.. that kind of thing you know??
Now, being a mother myself, I understood perfectly why my mother did that.. 
It's because she was tired and weary...

And I remember another story from someone very close to me...
This person said that, he'd experienced something like that, his elder brother had once hit him and his mom did nothing...
It' very disturbing and not a healthy thing, because the memory of it remains...

So, finally, I've come up with a solution..
When either of them complain, I wouldn't get angry at anyone anymore...
All I did was, I asked what happened, and then I took her in my arm, kiss the area which hurts, and show my deepest concern and sympathy bout her pain, which usually not much of a physical but mentally.. (you know, sakit hati dengan adik or sakit hati dgn kakak... hehe)

So, after she had calm down a bit, I would scold the one responsible for creating the fight, and coax her not to do it again.. 
In the end, no one hurts and everyone is happy.. 
And i'm happy too hehehe

So, that's all what it takes, show that you care... :)

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