Friday, January 10, 2020

So, the school holiday have ended just like that... pheww...
School session has started, and it's by far quite a good start..
I just want to recap just a little bit on our not so much of activities during school holiday, but yet it's one of the most cherishable moments. I loved this time around school holiday, because not only for the fun we had together, but also how things fell to places accordingly, and how I have finally moved on with hubby's new nature of job that is: "missing a lot of times 😜"
It's ok now, I'm used to that, I even learned that separation is a good thing... through that we learned that love knows not its own depth until the hours of separation.. and also we treasure every single moment together because we don't have so much anyway..

So, right at the beginning of the school holiday, we went for a movie. Kids wanted so much to watch Agent Ali The Movie, at first I was like: "Really? Agent Ali? Me watching Agent Ali?"
This can't be real, Agent-agent thing is really not my cup of coffee πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ 
Nevertheless, given that it was school holiday, Fatini did well in her end of year examination, and for the kids to have fun, I relented, and agreed to it...
But in my mind, I was like trying to figure out what to do during the movie?
Maybe I should read a novel? But of course the cinema is dark, it's not possible to read anything right?
So I decided to just watch the movie along... or if I find it too boring, I would read something on my phone. πŸ˜… 
But, surprise surprise, to my amazement, I couldn't even blink during the movie haha...
Ok common, stop exaggerating.. πŸ™„
But, seriously, the movie was really good, it has all the elements needed to make a great movie, it has non stop actions, it has comedy in it, plot twist, interestingly narrated that i think it achieved the standard of International movies, and last but not least, it plays with people's emotions, until I was soooo close to tears... πŸ˜₯
Really, with the song and everything...
It was one of the best movie I've ever watched, and thanks to my kids for insisting... 😘😘😘
Two thumbs up for Agent Ali The Movie πŸ‘πŸ‘
I don't mind if I have to watch it over and over again hihi...
Ok enough of that...

We spent lots of times doing some preparations for next year...
The kids as always, so obedient 😏

Then hubby had to go to China for work, he'd been gone for a week... so me and the kids and some other family members joined my mom, we went to Taiping Perak for a kenduri.
It's really really nice to get together with family members.. ❀❀❀

We rented a very nice apartment, see that nice and wonderful view of Taiping...

We went to night safari, the kids really really loved it!!! Although I was extra tired that night, but seeing them happy and enjoying the night safari, my tiredness somehow subsided... 😏

The animal lovers got the spirit!!
She's super energetics!

The apartment got a nice swimming pool, we went swimming the next morning before we headed back to KL.
Swimming with cousins 😊

We stopped by the beatiful and famous lake garden, I'm sure everyone is aware of the existance of this super beautiful Taman Tasik Taiping πŸ₯°
I would love to go again someday...

Nice right???

And apart from that, since hubby was still in China then, me and the kids decided to just stay at my mom's home until hubby got back. 
It turned out that hubby had another place to go after he got back from China, so we had extra time at my mom's alhamdulillah! 😚😚😚
Then, coincidently, my mom's birthday fell on that same week, so we had the chance to celebrate together.. it was so memorable πŸ₯°
The kids made a card each for their tok πŸ˜‰

Then hubby finally return after one week plus, and still he had another work in KL. Yeay, more time in KL yahoooo!!!
I love my hometown so much!!
So, hubby got a hotel room, the kids just wanted to spend times at their tok's house with their cousins, hotel room and a TV and swimming pool seemed to be nothing compared to their tok's house hihi πŸ˜†
I wonder why πŸ€”
Suits them, whatever that makes them happy.
So, it was just me and hubby to stay at the hotel hihi...
At first, I felt like something was not right, I felt so empty, oh I realized why, everywhere I go, everything I do, has always been with the kids... their absence somehow made me feel like something wasn't right.. something was missing...
But I quickly scrapped all those feelings away, I needed to take this opportunity to refresh our relationships and marriage.
Treat this like a honeymoon! πŸ˜„
So, we went out together, just the two of us, like on a date... the hotel was very near to KLCC, so we went for a walk, hand in hand, awwwww so romantic 😚😚😚😚 
We rarely had the chance to be on a date like this, except of course, we went on a breakfast date quite often... but, going out at night like this, the opportunity don't come often...

We had late night roti canai at a nearby Mamak's stall, surprisingly a crowded place considering it was night time... 
Kl just don't sleep I guess...
We got back to hotel room afterwards, and I felt soooo much better by then.. 
I kinda enjoy our times together, just the two of us, just like old times πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
Maybe we should repeat again next time 😁😁😁

The next day, I couldn't resist the temptation to take the kids to the very nice swimming pool..
Hubby had some work to do, so he left me at the hotel room, I decided to walk to the LRT station in KLCC and took a train and walked to mom's home. It was just about 10 to 15 minutes walk from my mom's house. 
Hey don't worry, I've always loved excercising!
Alhamdulillah I made it to mom's home safely, and quickly I asked the kids to get ready..
We're going swimming!!!!

So the journey via LRT to KLCC and a short walk to the hotel began jeng jeng jeng... πŸ™ƒπŸ™‚πŸ™ƒπŸ™‚ 
The kids are all so excited to get on the train.. πŸ˜πŸ˜„ 
Oh by the way, on the most left is my niece. She is the same age as Aleena 😊

See, how excited!
And quite kecoh πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

In front of KLCC...

We reached the hotel room at about 1.00pm. Nice room huh?
We spent a few minutes resting after a tiring journey, we waited for Zuhur, then we all got dressed in our swimming attire and off we went, not to forget, excitedly hihi...

Hmmmmm, they had sooo much fun...
Happy to see them happy....
That was the end of it...
The next day, we headed back to our home in Pekan, only to find what a mess around the house had been...
The unsweep porch, the messy garden for all the weeds that had grown over the almost two weeks away from home...
Ok, back to work mode the next day...
Enough of holiday hihi...
But alhamdulillah for everything...
Some people don't even get the chance.. 😒

Anyway, the next day, Afeef's PT3 results was out too, and I will write about that in my next post innshaAllah... 

Ahah, we got home only to find one papaya had grown so well on one of the papaya tree Aleena had planted. This one in the picture is extra special, because Aleena had planted the tree, about 3 years ago, she picked one seed from a papaya we bought at the market. She was just experimenting actually, the seed somehow sprowted after a few days, she got all excited about it, took care of it, she watered it everyday, until one day, she started neglecting it, and I was about to discard it, but Aleena refused, and she insisted on taking care of it again, I told her I suspected that it was a male papaya tree that it won't bear fruits.. but still, she loved the tree so much because she planted it herself, so, ok I gave in, I helped water it too sometimes, and it kept growing but was fruitless... I was already convinced that the tree was a male papaya tree that it won't bear fruit, when all of a sudden, after almost 3 years, it suddenly started flowering!!!! 
There in Aleena's hand, was the first fruit we picked during the end of school holiday..
Aleena was super excited about this first fruit from the tree she had planted 3 years ago, that she even gave the fruit a name πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
It's called, "Orange"
And mind you, it is not an orange, it is papaya hihi..
Ok whatever, so the tree now is starting to continuously producing more fruits, alhamdulillah...
InnshaAllah we'll get more betik from our own trees... 😁

So, that's all for a school holiday story, not much, but I treasure it so dearly..
Alhamdulillah for everything...
Till later...

Friday, December 27, 2019

The best moment by far...

This was in March 2017. This was by far the best experience I had since the day we got back to Malaysia.
It's our first own home!!!!
The best part was setting it up, decorating it, there was this feeling, warm feeling, excitement that still lingers till today.. oh I love it so much...

This is part of the kitchen, I love the long window..

That door leads to the downstairs bathroom located in the kitchen...

We often came here before it was fully ready, checking it out, dreaming and planning on how to design the kitchen πŸ˜…

This is the living room area...

We got a corner lot, so we have more windows and the house is really bright... πŸ˜ƒ

That door leads to the kitchen.
And next to the door on the right is the dining area. 

This was when all the wiring work had just completed. The furniture arrived earlier than expected and we had tu put them all aside for all the wiring work to be completed.

Hmmmmm.... This is the dining area.
I chosed this pendant light!
It transmits three different lighting, white light, yellow light and a mixture of white and yellow light..
It's really lovely!
I fell in love with it at first sight!!! 😍
And please note, if you notice that curtain, I was the one who made that curtain hihi..
No bluffing, I sew them myself!
Ok, not that I want to show off or anything, but, yeah I'm quite proud of all the things I made myself 😁

There the first step of setting up the dining area. 
That's hubby, patiently applying the wall paper. It's not an easy job really, Oh I'm so proud of hubby, I can really rely on him..
He did a great job!! 😘 

This is the final results of the dining room...
Nice huh?
Alhamdulillah, we wouldn't have made it this nice and this satisfying without the blessings and wills of Allah SWT...

The piano area. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
Please don't mind the rolled carpet there πŸ˜…

There the living room...
As you see, we have no TV, so the wall remain empty as if something is missing, but it's ok, as long as we don't lose our time watching too much TV... πŸ₯΄

Ok, this is what my mother used to call a spoiler of the house. You see, the area underneath the staircase used to be a mess!!!
My mom said it really spoils the beauty of the whole house.!
And it remained the way it was until quite recently...

 Just about a few months ago, we called the person incharged in cabinet making, and he built this beauty... masyaAllah, now the house is perfect, alhamdulillah... ❀❀❀

Nice huh?

This is the kitchen decorating in progress...

This is the dry kitchen...

This is the wet kitchen and I decided on having one mini bar in the kitchen so I can lepak there with hubby in the morning when all the kids have gone to school..
It's important to have a table like this in the kitchen as we mothers would probably spend most of our times in the kitchen...
Mmmm right??

This is how the mini bar area looks like today. I put some artificial plants there to make it looks more lovely... 
Planning on having a small TV there, to be hanged on the wall just below the clock.
 My own personal TV, a smart TV that only allows You Tube.
The purpose is only to watch ceramah 😁
Nice idea huh?

Ok, I'm not gonna share how the whole second floor looks like, let me just share how the girl's room looks like because actually I wanna show you what a nice bunk bed we have here.
Well yeah, they ended up sleeping together on the bottom bed nowadays. Fatini was the one overly excited about the bunk bed at first that she enthusiastically wanted to sleep on the upper bed. 
Yeah that happened for a while anyway, then she started losing interest on the upper bed and started sleeping on the lower bed instead together with Aleena... 
So now, the upper bed remain empty.... 

Ahah... in case you are wondering what this is, this is the garden ofcourse!
We got corner lot, so we have quite a huge garden. Enough for me anyway...
We now have papaya, mango and mulberry trees which started producing fruits quite generously these past few months 😌

So, those were photos from a few years back. Now after a lil bit of rearrangement, and some addition of new stuffs, the interior looks slightly different i guess...

I added a new matching carpet in the living room...
It appears more lovely right?

Still, no TV after 3 years here...
Strictly NO TV!!!

I added a new matching carpet at the piano area too...
It's a furry carpet hihi...

Mmmm.... something is missing here...
I think this area needs a coffee table right???
Ok, that would be next on my list innshaAllahπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Ok, now that we have a comfortable home, alhamdulillah, so what are we gonna do with it? 
Let's make something beneficial out of it..
Aaaaahhh yes, I had organized many usrah sessions here.
There in the above picture, are all my usrah group members, they are my neighbours, there are more of them actually, but some are not present hihi...
Yeah alhamdulillah, there are many housewives in my neighborhood πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

And, not just usrah, I have another group of Quran class, there at the end of the table is my Quran teacher. We call her kak Rozeta. We meet regularly, once a week for Quran lesson, and most of the time, the class is held at kak Rozeta's place.
Sometimes, we have the class at my place. 😍😍😍
That's one of the purpose of having a comfortable home right?

And also, there was one Ramadhan, probably last year's Ramadhan, hubby invited his students for an iftar at our place.
Memorable moment... 😚

And also, Fatini's friends often came over too... I conducted a class for them once a week, I taught them English, Maths and Science. 
May Allah grant me perseverance and determination to keep doing good deeds and to keep seeking knowledge ameen...
Alhamdulillah for everything
The key to happiness is to make other people happy 😘
As a conclusion, moving into our own home was one of the best thing that had happened since the day we got back to Malaysia.
It's even better than our life in Deutschland, though I still miss DE sometimes, some moments were just unforgettable and will remain as it is, safely lock in my heart forever and ever.... hihi
Till later, salam...

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