Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 10~~~ SoMeTHiNg I MaDe...

Today's story, Something I made.......
Not much...

I've made a few paintings...

And I've made a few clothes, mostly were Malaysian traditional clothes such as 'baju kebaya', 'baju kurung' but most of them are in Malaysia, only these three that I brought here with me. You know, for Eid celebration, or 'kenduri' or anything like that..

That dark blue 'kebaya' is among the earliest (I made that when I was about 19 or 20 years old) and has always been my favorite, and once after I gave birth to Afeef, I had put on weight that I couldn't fit into it any more and it was so frustrating to look at it but couldn't wear it. It has always been my motivation to lose weight since then.

My mom was the one who taught me how to make my own clothes, she taught me how to sew, back then I also made long dresses and long skirts other than Malaysian traditional clothes (",)
I kinda miss sewing (",)

Ok, that's all for now.. Maybe I'll make something more in the future (",)
Till tomorrow, salam...


:cahya schatz: said...

waaahhhh.... reti buat kebaya...!

sitiezahim said...

tuh la dah lama tak menjahit..huhu

Lee said...

Hi Miss Anna, wow! I am very impressed with your handicraft, and creative skills. Impressive.
I used to do oil paintings long ago, wayyy back in the '60s, and 3 of my oil paintings were displayed at Dewan Tunku Abdul Rahman in Jalan Ampang, KL. Sold a few too.

Your paintings are really very good, looks real!
And I love that kebaya on the right, the brown one...looks very classy and elegant. And designer too. You ada initial your name somewhere? Ha ha.
Have fun, and simpan satu lagu dalam hati.

Miss Anna said...

Liza: camne anak murid nak ajar sifu nih hehehe.. Meibi i bule buar tutorial baju kebaya kat blog ni kot ngeh ngeh..

Hajar: kaaaannn... Jom kita menjahit balik.

Uncle lee: wow, u did oil paintings! And they were displayed??!! That is even more impressive!
Anyway, thanx so much for your comment, I'm flattered :)
And my paintings weren't really good, they were just ordinary, but I thoroughly enjoyed doing it hehe..

ishamizu said...

Lovely paintings and impressing sewings kak! Sy teringin nak belajar menjahit so sy sokong akk buat tutorial menjahit kt sini start from basic eh? Haha ;D

masz said...

masih ingat x nana...ko ada buat kan aku sehelai blouse...haha..
aku masih simpan lagi..
cume nya x muat dah la...

Miss Anna said...

Masz, ko sebut ni br la aku teringat!! Blouse yg tak berapa siap tu haha... Ko simpan lagi, trharu nye aku, ms tu aku baru je berjinak2, ntah ok ntah idak hehe..

masz said...

aku sangat menghargainya....tq la sgt sb jahitkan..
walaupon xla sebagus mana ..haha..
kalo nak compare aku yg xreti menjahit baju ni.hehehe

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